SEND Specialist Hub
Established in September 2020, our specialist hub aims to meet the needs of children with wide-ranging special educational needs that span the four broad areas of need: communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health needs; sensory and/or physical needs.
Provision is carefully tailored to facilitate a successful journey through Reception and Key Stage 1, as well as supporting further assessments to help inform future placements.
The curriculum is based on the EYFS model and provides children with bespoke provision. Multi-sensory learning opportunities incorporates learning through a balance of adult-directed and child-initiated play, in addition to carefully planned adult-led activities. The Hub is staffed by an experienced teaching staff with SEND experience and 3 learning support staff.
Updates on what our Explorers have been getting up to in class can be found on the Explorers class page.

The geographical location of the Hub places it at the very heart of our school. The Hub has its own outdoor area, a disabled toilet (with changing facilities) and an adjoining sensory/quiet space. Children attending the Hub have access to all areas of the main school and are welcomed to assemblies and whole school special events so that they feel very much part of the school community.
Upon admission to the Hub, the needs of the individual child are carefully assessed during the initial transition period as they begin to settle into their new class. A personalised curriculum is written and developed overtime to ensure individual needs are met according to the provision outlined in their EHCP. When appropriate, this includes opportunities to join mainstream classes to learn alongside their peers in lessons including English, Mathematics and PE.
Although children are encouraged to wear school uniform, adaptions are made to support self-care and individual needs, including those with sensory needs. Families have access to the Explorer Class pages on Class Dojo to support regular home-school communication. Children’s learning is shared using Tapestry.
The school day times are slightly different to the main school to accommodate transportation outside of town and to allow children to arrive and leave school during slightly quieter times.
Our Staff
Miss Ellis – SEND Hub Lead Teacher
Mr Austin-Guest – SEND Hub SENDCo
Mrs Temple – SEND Hub Teacher
Miss Bennett – LSA
Mrs Brown – LSA
Mrs Zeyrek – LSA
Miss G Hudson – MDSA
Miss Matthewson – MDSA
Useful Links for Parents
Associated Pages
SEND Information Report 2024-2025
SEND Hub Admissions Arrangements
SEND Hub Admissions Arrangements
Burton End Hub Overview